Cheapest Web Software for Your websites and online business Producing Unique and Innovative Professional Web Solutions and Technologies
for Your Successful and Profitable Online Business
Cheapest Web Software - Leader in PHP and MySQL Development  
Blogs Automater

Operate Your Own Money Making Blogging Empire
The Easy and Completely Automated Way!

I am Ready! Let me Get My Copy Now, So I Can Start Blogging Immediately and Make Real Money NOW!

I understand that by ordering today, I pay only $177 and I will receive full featured copy of Blogs Automater and I will be entitled to all future updates and unlimited customer support.

I will receive FREE Installation and Setup if I am confused to get the script going.

I am sure my server will meet the following requirements for installing and operating Blogs Automater:
Operating System Unix/Linux/FreeBSD
PHP 4.3 or higher
Zend Optimizer
PHP CURL Library
PHP XML Library
Cron Jobs

I completely understand that by purchasing this product I am allowed to install it on one domain only. Despite that this software is multidomain and with one install only I can operate unlimited blogs no matter where they are located!

After my order is confirmed, I will be able to download my copy of Blogs Automater Immediately. Within 10 minutes after my purchase I can have my first blog ready!

I can make an online 100% secure purchase instantly by my Credit Card through the authorized retailer, or by virtual money transfer at Epassporte or Moneybookers.

I'd have to be insane to miss out on this fantastic deal! And I know I'll pay only $177 now and I can get all of my money back guaranteed by your 30 days 100% money-back guarantee!

Blogs Automater Order Now

Price: $237 - Now for $177 only!

(limited time offer, still 14 copies available at this price!)

Don't Wait Any Longer!
Start Making Guaranteed Money NOW!


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